Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've been tagged!

Thanks, Katie...I figured if I would get tagged, it would be by you ;)! This "Seven Things About Me" tag game has been going around for a while and each time I read one, I would wonder what I would reveal if I got tagged. I've been thinking about it for a few days, so here goes...

1~I have a few superstitions-although I'm not sure if they are ALL superstitions. My main one is the "if you find a penny, pick it up...all day long you'll have good luck". I take it a few steps further. If I find a penny and it is heads DOWN, I do NOT pick it up.  I heard somewhere (or maybe I just made it up...) that it would be BAD luck if it was heads down.  Also, if I am wearing shoes that will allow it, I put the heads-up penny in my shoe.  When I was younger, I would keep a penny I found in my shoe for a long time-days and days!  The heads up thing is so important to me that when I put a good luck penny on my students' desks this Tuesday for MAP testing, I went back and made sure they were all heads up before they got in the room!!  A couple other superstitions (that I'm not sure if they are really superstitions) are if my nose itches it means someone is thinking about me, and if my palm itches I will be getting :) or losing :( money soon.

2~For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a teacher.  These pages are from my school memories book and if you click on them, you will see that (in my own handwriting) in Kindergarten and 1st grade I wanted to be a teacher.  I think 2nd and 3rd grade, it was "babysitter" :).  I had an internship as a senior in high school.  I got to go to Bridgeway (where I went to school AND where I teach now) and work with my "old" 3rd grade teacher-who then taught 5th grade.  The year that I was there, construction was completed on the new "wing" of the building that I now teach in!!  My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Schott, got to move into one of the new rooms before the school year was over.  I wouldn't have believed then that I would be teaching RIGHT NEXT DOOR a decade later.  I recently found pictures of me with that group of kids-wild!  The hair!  Bridgeway still has the same DARE officer from 16!!!! years ago and I happened to find a couple pictures of her too!

3~Tomatoes.  Before I was pregnant, I hated-no, better word,LOATHED- tomatoes.  Don't get me wrong-I was fine with the bi-products...ketchup, tomato sauce, spaghetti (?), etc.  But tomatoes by themselves, on sandwiches, in salads-I ALWAYS picked them off.  Even to the point where those around me would make fun of me.  But at some point in my pregnancy, I had a BITE of a tomato on a sandwich and did not spit it out.  Hmmmm...I kinda liked it.  Much to my own embarrassment-because everyone I knew was astounded that not only did I tolerate tomatoes, but I would actually eat them solo!  This appreciation has continued, and Fisher LOVES tomatoes to this day  ;-).

4~My brother and I grew up as total opposites.  I was very much a "don't rock the boat" kind of kid.  I was a teacher's pet and loved school (go figure!), never got in trouble (unless you count when Den and I fought), and tried to smooth things over (unless you count when Den and I fought).  My brother-HATED school and loved being a rule-breaker.  He and I fought HORRIBLY growing up.  In the short amount of time that we were home after school before Mom got home from work, we could really whip ourselves into a frenzy!  I remember times when we would call her at work-each on of us on a different phone-yelling at her about what the other one had done.  Many times she would just hang up on us...meanwhile we would keep yelling until we realized by the horrible tone that she had hung up.  Our relationship is much better now.  It's amazing what growing up can do!

5~I could never live anywhere besides here in St. Louis.  Don't get me wrong, I think it would be a great adventure to move somewhere like here, here, near here or even here. It would be fun to get to experience a different part of the country and make new friends, but I would MISS my friends, family, and comforts of my hometown.  It is so important to me to have Fisher form close bonds with his cousins.  And Mawmaw and Pawpaw are so important to him-he LOVES them!!  I would also really miss not being able to see Luke, Brandi, and Jack grow up.

6~Days of Our Lives...or to fans-Days...or to even bigger fans DOOL.  "Like sands through the hourglass..."  I have pretty faithfully watched that show for over TWENTY years.  Yes, I'm one of "those".  I really can't help's in my genes.  My Grandma (Mom's Mom) was a fan, my Mom IS a fan.  I had no choice!  It really is such a guilty pleasure, but it is a TOTAL escape from reality.  I record it every day and watch a few eps every couple of "days" (ha!).  It's fun though, because my Mom and I usually end up catching up over Sunday breakfast (boring Stan and Dave-"not that show AGAIN!!!").  We can't help it!

7~I've been writing this post for over a week!  Mainly because I check up on about 50-yes-FIFTY-blogs a day!!  "Thanks" to Google Reader, it's so easy to add a blog to your subscription list that I've gone a little crazy.  Sure, I could delete some, but then I would be wondering about what I've missed.  I need to figure out how to prioritize my blogging so this one doesn't get neglected.  Any suggestions?

So the idea of this "tag" game is to tell 7 things about yourself that people might not necessarily know, then "tag" 7 others.  I will be tagging Aunt Brenda, cousin Katy, Fisher (to be completed by me :), and Michelle W.  Yes, I know...I check up on 50+ blogs, but I only know 3 (not including Fisher) to tag personally.  Seriously-it's an addiction!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

lesson learned...

It's been too long since I last posted, so now I have a huge (photo) post!!

Spring Break was two weeks ago.  Yucky weather, but it's all good when I get to play with my Bubby!

We had my parents over for corned beef & cabbage and I made lemon cupcakes for dessert.  Fisher is a cupcake junkie-he eats it like a pro and goes straight for the icing first!


He also had to help out with a little cleaning...

Brandi and Jack came over for a visit.  They love Fisher so much!!

My Little Leprechaun-last year (no St. Pat's pics this year-he yanked any hat off before I could snap a picture!)

Last year and this year with the bunny...

Last year and this year egg-dying...

We went to cousins Brandi & Jack's to decorate this year. Fisher loved it! His hands looked like the Incredible Hulk :)

We also decorated bird's nest cupcakes (with green dyed coconut and jelly beans). Poor Fisher just didn't understand why he couldn't EAT the cupcakes...we did give in and let the kids eat one while they worked on the assembly line.
Easter LAST year

Easter THIS year
living room egg hunt

He got a "Ramone" ('Mone) car in his basket.  Fisher LOOOOOVES the movie Cars...

Opening eggs with Grandma.

Playing peek-a-boo in the drapes.

Fisher had already opened his Cars Easter egg with a mini Fillmore and Sarge.  Then he was on to Luke's Mater and Lightning.  My brother was napping, but Fisher had to get Uncle Den's permission to open Luke's cars.  **A little back story-Luke has a pretty respectable collection of cars.  He doesn't get to play with them though.  They are ALL still in their packages on little shelves all over his room-my brother thinking they will be collectors items one day.  Poor Luke.  I wasn't going to be the one to let Fisher open the package, so I told him he had to ask Uncle Den.  It was so cute-he sat there (pic 1) just holding it saying, "open-open-open".  My brother was under the weather, so it took him a while to realize Fisher was there making a request.  He finally did wake up enough to give his permission-success (but only short lived because we had to leave a few minutes later-oh the FIT he threw when he had to give up Mater & Lightning!!).

Now-just a few more from last year...

This one has always been on of my favorites-there's just something about that look...and the second pic is a rare encounter with Schwartz.

Grandma's sink baby